‘Memre’ (2024, DIGITUP Rotterdam)
‘Memre’ (2024, gallery and heritage lab DIGITUP Rotterdam)
The sculpture ‘Memre’ was made for the ‘Tailors & Wearers’ exhibition ‘Angisa de na teri’ and is inspired by the process of making ‘goma’ (starch), which is necessary for starching an angisa (Afro-Surinamese headscarf, also often worn at Afro-Surinamese Winti gatherings), after which the angisa can be ‘tied’ (folded) into various shapes, each with their own symbolic meaning.
As in all of Linger’s work, this new sculpture also contains symbolism from the Afro-Surinamese Winti culture. The work is a tribute to the power of memory and tradition within the Afro-Surinamese community. Afro-Surinamese cultural heritage is central to Jaasir’s artistic practice and identity. As in his previous work, ‘Memre’ builds a bridge between art and Afro-Surinamese heritage and focuses on preserving and making visible the Afro-Surinamese philosophy of life and culture.